Parenting Strong-Willed Children

Do you wish your kids could learn how to listen better?

Millions of parents are struggling with kids who are defiant and out of control — kids who need to learn how to listen better and show respect to others.

Who’s in Charge?

In short, does it feel like you are no longer the parent in charge, the leader, the captain, the boss? Welcome to the club!

The good news is that there is an effective Win-Win solution to help turn things around and set limits in caring, constructive ways.

Four questions you can ask yourself:

  • Do you have to raise your voice, lecture, or repeat yourself to get your child to behave?
  • Do your kids ignore normal, everyday requests when they just don’t feel like listening?
  • Do you want to avoid spanking and yelling but nothing else seems to work?
  • Would you like to learn ways of breaking these negative cycles and endless upsets?

Choose from 3 great options to learn with Dr. Mac as your guide

Online Course

Parenting Spirited, Strong-willed Kids: The Win-Win Way to Bring Out the Best
A self-paced online course

A transformational 7-module online course with fun tools that will help you create family harmony and nurture a much closer relationship with your child. This course offers a concise and effective method to help kids feel good about themselves and have love and respect for others. Ideal for parenting toddlers to pre-teens.  

Click here to learn more and register for the course.

Award-Winning Book

Who’s the Boss: The Win-Win Way to Bring Out the Best

Who's the Boss book coverThis book presents a concise and effective method of turning things around to create an even closer relationship with your child and set limits in a way that helps all family members.

The program outlined is the result of over 35 years of study, teaching and clinical practice. Hundreds of families with 3 to 10-year-olds have successfully used the Win-Win Way to make a shift. Parents typically report a dramatic improvement in their children’s behavior after a few weeks’ time.

Even though you will benefit greatly as a parent, it won’t be at your kids’ expense. With this approach, your child can wind up being happier, more loving,  have a higher self-esteem and feel less guilty and anxious. Best of all, you can have more fun together and resign, most of the time, from that role of “bad cop.”

Click here for more information about this book.

Free Hour-long Webinar

The Four Essential Keys to Parenting Strong-Willed Kids
An hour-long pre-recorded webinar

Innovative tools for raising happy, respectful kids. You’ll learn four important keys to help you parent more effectively.
Click here to learn more and register for this free online event.